More than one way of Earning Punches
The Basic Punch
Receive 1 punch every time you visit. Forgot your card? Just grab another. You can merge punches from multiple cards easily.
The Regular Customer
We LOVE our regular customers; and we like to show it. Come 4 Weeks in a row for a bonus of 10 punches extra.
First Customer of the Day
The Early Bird gets the Punches! The first customer of the day gets a bonus of 3 punches.
The Daily Repeater
Do you sometimes come more than once a day? We give customers a bonus of 2 punches for every visit after the first.
The Opportunist (Specials)
Purchase Specials for Bonus Punches.
The Socialite
Bring your Friends, Family or Coworkers and get extra punches.
The Facebook Sharer
Use your mobile punch card, to tell your Facebook friends about our fabulous Specials or Events, and get bonus punches.
Luckiest Customer
Each month, we randomly pick one registered customer to win a bonus draw.